Our Mission

Nunavut Sustainability and Community Empowerment (NSCE) is dedicated to fostering comprehensive well-being and sustainable development within the communities of Nunavut. Our mission is to empower individuals, especially the indigenous population, to achieve holistic fulfillment across economic, social, spiritual, political, and psychological dimensions. Through inclusive programs, impactful training, and collaborative community initiatives, NSCE strives to overcome challenges faced by youths, women, seniors, and children. By nurturing a sense of unity, resilience, and cultural pride, NSCE endeavors to create a thriving environment where every member can unleash their full potential and contribute to the sustainable development of Nunavut.

Our Vission

Our vision at NSCE is to envision Nunavut as a resilient, empowered, and sustainable territory where every individual, 
regardless of background, experiences prosperity and well-being.

We aspire to build a future where youths, women, seniors, and children are equipped with the skills, opportunities, and resources needed to thrive.

NSCE envisions vibrant communities that honor their cultural heritage, encourage innovation, and actively participate in the sustainable development of Nunavut. Through collaborative efforts,

NSCE seeks to be a catalyst for positive change, inspiring a legacy of empowered individuals who contribute to the growth and unity of Nunavut.

“I’m glad that The Partiso decided to visit the Siemens plant in Steele Creek. I pass this plant every day on my way to work.”

Don Joe


“I would like to support your ideas to make a better future for us and our children. Thank you for the work you do for our citizens!”

Sandra Watson


“Thank you for fighting against employees’ rights negligence. This used to be a huge issue at our plant, but now it gets much better.”

Daniel Green


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